Acupuncture has been used by millions of people over the last 4000 years and is widely considered to be, with herbalism , the oldest continuously used system of medicine in the world. Acupuncture is used to effectively treat a wide range of issues including acute and chronic pain, digestive concerns, anxiety and depression, fertility support, skin problems, smoking cessation, weight loss, and many more.

Very thin, sterile and disposable stainless steel needles are placed into the surface of the skin at specific acupuncture points, to restore the flow of energy, relieving symptoms and restoring balance to the body, mind, and spirit.

We combine the richness of five element acupuncture (often referred to as traditional acupuncture) with the precision of eight principle acupuncture (often referred to as traditional Chinese medicine) to create a treatment protocol specific to your needs. Schedule your first appointment online to begin your journey to profound health and wellness.

Commonly asked questions:

Do you accept insurance?
Yes, beginning in the summer of 2018, most of our acupuncture practitioners accept insurance.

Does it hurt?
The needles are slightly wider than the width of a hair, and when the needles are placed into the skin most people feel very little, however there can be some sensation ranging from a slight tingling, feeling of electricity, to a temporary sensation of pain. The feeling comes from blocked energy or “chi” moving, not from the needles themselves. Most people feel a sensation of deep relaxation while the treatment is underway, which lasts for quite some time after the treatment has ended.

How long does the treatment last?
The initial treatment will last approximately 90 minutes, with an extensive hour long intake when your practitioner gets to know you on a body, mind, and spirit level. Then the first acupuncture treatment will take place which usually takes 20-30 minutes. Follow up appointments will take 45-60 minutes, and will include time to talk to your practitioner about how you are doing physically as well as emotionally. Then the needles will be placed and you will rest for approximately 20-30 minutes.

How many acupuncture treatments do I need to feel better?
Depending on how severe your symptoms are as well as how long you have had them, whether they be physical or emotional symptoms, effects how long it takes to restore health and balance. Having said that, your average person find significant relief or cessation of symptoms after 6 treatments, at a frequency of once a week. After symptoms are greatly reduced or eliminated, your practitioner will likely spread out the frequency of your treatments to every 2-3 weeks, and then on an as needed basis.

What symptoms can acupuncture treat?
*Acute and chronic pain
*Anxiety and depression
*Digestive issues
*Weight loss
*Skin disorders
*Autoimmune disorders
*Menstrual symptoms
*Menopause symptoms
And so much more..


“There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open into light” -Rumi

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Massage Therapy

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

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Naturopathic Medicine

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Nutrition Counseling

Approved US Government Vendor for FederalProcurement and Acquisitions. CAGE Code: 0P072 

Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certifications.

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business (10KSB), Alumni

Prince George's, MD Verified Vendor and Supplier. Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification.

Howard County, MD Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) and Local Business Initiative (LBI) certifications.

Member of Howard County Chamber of Commerce.





We accept insurance. Please contact us for details.

Sagelight Integrative Wellness Center
10450 Shaker Drive, Suite 113
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: (410) 730-1499

Fax: (410) 431-3579


Hours of Operation:

Mondays: Closed

Tuesdays: 11:00am-4:00pm

Wednesdays: Closed

Thursdays 9:00am-5:00pm

Fridays 9:00am-2:00pm

Saturdays 8:30am-4:00pm.